6 Oct, 2011

I had a couple of crazy days shooting stuff with this muscle guy calling himself Chocolat while he was on vacation in Australia.   We had shot some photos in his hotel and then more on my rooftop.   When we had finally finished all the posing in sports gear we headed back to by room where we could start making a video scene.   It was initially going to be a solo scene, but I jumped in to help get out new muscly mate going.   I can tell from this scene that Chocolat likes fierce rough sex.   I’d like to see him fucking some of my mates sometime.

Photo shoot
28 Jul, 2008

Anyone up for wrestling with this big dude? I met Chocolat during his brief visit to Australia last year. I couldn’t believe that such a hot guy would agree to model for me. He was keen to get out in the sun on my roof and show off in some lycra. Check out those muscles and big cock bulgoing through the thin material! We made a great video too with me sucking that mean cock till it blew everwhere! Ahhh Chocolat.. YUM!

Photo shoot
8 Aug, 2007

Chocolat is one of the hottest guys I have ever had the pleasure to shoot and play with. Not only is he a sweet funny guy… but he’s pretty dam hot too! Now how do I get big and muscley like that?

Photo shoot
9 Apr, 2007

How hot was it to have Chocolat around to show me a few moves on the roof last week! This guys is one hot fucker! And that mega cock is enough to scare off even some of my pig bottom mates!

Updated 4 times a week
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New mates

Pedro Mota
Alex Black
Marvin Wonder
Pedro Flows
Daniel Colton
Toby Ottoli
Ryan Ford
Drew Miller
Arki Santos
Danny Luppo
Brian Jaxom
Shane Madden

Members' favourite scenes

Playing with my cute mate Toby Ottoli
Our fit mate Isaac jacking his big cock
Getting my cute mate Felix off in his first video
My cute mate Toby came back for a naked visit
Introducing our hot new mate Isaac Hunter
First shoot with our cute new mate Felix Stone
Billy Bones nailing our cute mate Connor
Photographing our hot new mate Ryan Ford