Aussie Aussie Aussie

16 Oct, 2013

Aussie porn star Max Gatling

I’m really impressed with the new guys showing up this year for shoots with us. Max is an 18 year old student from QLD who recently visited Zac while he was on a trip down here to Melbourne. Max looks great!  And I can see that he had some fun modelling for Zac. The photos I posted yesterday look amazing. I kinda wish it had been me taking the shots now that I see them. I haven’t actually met Max myself yet. But I’m sure I’ll get to meet him when he visits again this summer.  Now it’s time to take a look at his video.

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December in Germany

13 Oct, 2013

Jan Peters porn star in Berlin

I’m all about planning. While I’m not doing any shooting this weekend I’m busy editing and planning a trip to Europe for the end of December.  While it’s not the best time of the year to be shooting scenes in Europe (because it’s cold and generally dark), it’s the best time of the year for me to get some time off from my day job and get away for a few weeks.  We had a great time shooting in Germany around the same time last year. I’m already thinking about the guys I’d like to shoot with again over there again. Axel Jackson, Jan Peters (pic), Kane Wakeman, Ygor, Brady Kent.  The list is quite long.  I have already made bookings to go to Berlin and Cologne. Berlin because I love that city, and Cologne because I’ve heard so much about it.  It looks like a pretty city.  So I need to get the accommodation bookings out of the way now so I can get back to shooting with the locals here in Melbourne.

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Aussie Boy Count

11 Oct, 2013

It’s time to even the score. Over the past couple of years I’ve done a lot of travelling and shooting with American and European guys.  Well now it’s time to even the score a little with more Aussie boys. I still have a bunch of new guys from our trip to America to post.  But now there will be more Australian guys hitting the site as well.  Zac and I have been very busy since getting back from the states meeting new guys and getting them in for shoots. Some of our old mates have been dropping in to help out as well. And to get the ball rolling make sure you pop in to the member’s area to check out Tommy Baxter (pictured here).  Tommy is so dam cute! I can’t wait to shoot some outdoor scenes with him over this summer.

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Melbourne Shoots

7 Oct, 2013

It’s so great shooting here at home in Melbourne again. The combination of great weather and an abundance of hot guys has made it a perfect time to start filming, and do lots of it. Zac and I have been busy meeting new guys and setting up shoots. We are pretty much shooting 1, 2 or 3 scenes every week now. And I guess we’ll keep shooting up until we head to Europe at the end of the year. But more about that trip a bit later. We are even having guys travel from other states to get in on the shoots. I can’t wait to post these new guys. A few of our favourite mates are making a return as well.  It’s going to be a really fun summer making porn here in Australia.

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Vegas Shoots

1 Oct, 2013

Las Vegas porn star Kevin Kobe poses for Australian gay porn company Bentley race

Did you think we spent the whole time in Vegas gambling and drinking?  Well there was a little of that.  Especially after the long drive up from Palm Springs….   on the wrong side of the road. Both Zac and I got to meet and shoot with some guys during our brief stay there. Zac met up with Kevin Kobe (above) in his hotel room. I think Kevin is pretty dam cute.  He told Zac he has done some porn scenes in the US before. I have to look out for them.

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Promo Day

28 Sep, 2013

Aussie boys Ryan and Mitch getting naked in Melbourne

What better way to kick off the Spring season in Melbourne with a shoot with two of our favourite mates. I’m working on the promo stuff for the shoot between Ryan and Mitch this morning.  I am back to shooting scenes every week again now, and mostly 2 scenes each week. It’s been some time since I’ve caught up with some of the guys who regularly get in on the scenes here in Melbourne. So I’m now scheduling a whole lot of scenes over the coming weeks. I’m giving the guys the day off today since everyone will be watching the footy grand final this afternoon.

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Californian Hottie – Jason Moore

26 Sep, 2013

I don’t really need any reasons to visit San Francisco again… but here’s another one.  I think jason Moore is absolutely gorgeous!  I was really surprised when Ethan brought this hunk along to our hotel in SFO.  Jason is a bit of a fitness fanatic, and it shows. I really hope I can find him again when we head over to California again. I’ve just posted his photoset in the member’s area. I’m sure there is a video yet to be posted too.

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Melbourne Mates

24 Sep, 2013

It’s time to get back to doing what I like doing the most…  shooting scenes with my mates here in Melbourne. It was a great weekend to get and shoot some new stuff with my mates.  It ended up being a really busy weekend.  I think all the weekends are going to busy now with the weather warming up as we head in to summer. It was great seeing Ryan and Mitch again. I haven’t shot much in Melbourne for a while now so it’s taking some time to connect with everyone again and get some shoot sessions happening. These shots were taken on Sunday afternoon down by the river. I thought it was very funny that we were filming this scene in the same hotel that Davey Wavey was staying in at the weekend. If I’d known I would have invited him over.

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Big in Chicago

20 Sep, 2013

Straight college boy from Chicago Blake Davis

Everything was big in Chicago.  Check out out new mate Blake Davis! Every where we went we spotted guys who looked like Blake with their handsome looks and bulging muscles.  I found it difficult to actually find a lot of guys who would model for me in Chicago.  I suspect not much porn gets produced there. But we were lucky to get a bunch of good looking guys to drop around to our hotel for some shoots. Blake was pretty nervous during this shoot.  We chatted and laughed a lot as I guided him through his first shoot. THe behind the scenes video of this shoot is going to be very interesting to watch.

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Action Saxon

17 Sep, 2013

Saxon West

It was so nice seeing a familiar face again while I was visiting New York. Saxon West actually lives in Europe now but was visiting the city while I was in town. So I jumped on the chance of getting to do a shoot with him again. He hasn’t changed much at all. He still has that chunky muscly build, gorgeous big bum and cheeky attitude. We had a lot of fun making this scene up in my hotel room.  The video is now posted. But I’ll also post a behind the scenes video of our shoot soon.  I’m always grateful for these sexy guys giving up there time to model for my little Aussie porn site.

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New mates

Alex Black
Marvin Wonder
Pedro Flows
Daniel Colton
Toby Ottoli
Ryan Ford
Pedro Leite
Drew Miller
Arki Santos
Danny Luppo
Brian Jaxom
Shane Madden

Members' favourite scenes

My cute mate Toby came back for a naked visit
Our fit mate Isaac jacking his big cock
Getting my cute mate Felix off in his first video
Introducing our hot new mate Isaac Hunter
Playing with my cute mate Toby Ottoli
First shoot with our cute new mate Felix Stone
Billy Bones nailing our cute mate Connor
Sexy muscle boy Arki Santos stripping naked in the studio